Ambassador International Academy

Ambassador International Academy sought NEXA's expertise in generating leads and boosting school registration. With a mission to nurture students into global leaders equipped with critical thinking and innovation skills, the school had little online visibility in the UAE due to limited SEO activity. NEXA's team addressed this by developing an effective content strategy, fixing technical website issues, and implementing more relevant keywords to increase traffic. Through robust reporting and continuous optimization, NEXA helped Ambassador Academy achieve their goals in a highly competitive market.


Increase organic traffic and improve overall search visibility for the site, and improve keyword ranking.


"Previous SEO activity was limited. Difficulty in targeting highly competitive keywords. Website speed issues affecting user experience. Lack of content on the website leading to lower rankings."


"Conducting monthly analytics, competitor analysis and reporting to enhance performance. Enhancing organic traffic by adding and refreshing keywords. Developing a content strategy that targets high-value keywords and includes blog posts. Boosting organic traffic by updating technical performance and website features. Resolving crawl and indexing issues. Implementing backlinking activities to improve website visibility."

Speak to Us


increase in organic traffc year on year over the first 12 months


increase in organic traffc for UAE location year on year over the first 12 months


increase in users year on year over the first 12 months


increase in new users year on year over the first 12 months


new contacts (enquiries) generated through organic traffic


keywords ranking on firstpage of Google SERPs
We'd Love to Speak to You

Our Office

HEAD Office

Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Branch Rd, Almasiaf, Riyadh 12465, Saudi Arabia


Tel: ++966 58 194 1599


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