CBRE: Commercial Real Estate Services

CBRE, a globally acclaimed real estate brokerage firm, had always relied on building personal, enduring relationships with clients to achieve sales targets. While this approach proved successful in the past, it had begun to lose its effectiveness in the modern era. CBRE lacked the marketing experience to expand their reach and attract investors in the Middle East. That's where NEXA stepped in. Our team developed a digital marketing and lead generation strategy, precisely targeted towards investors in the region. We customized all messaging and communication to appeal to high-net-worth individuals in the Middle East. This strategy entailed introducing a CRM system via HubSpot, creating a landing page for the website, and crafting emails and ad sets to nurture leads. As a result of our efforts, Nexa bolstered CBRE's organic traffic and improved their search visibility across the region, focusing on key service lines and industries. In addition to providing high-quality leads for their developments, NEXA equipped CBRE with the digital marketing tools and knowledge necessary to replicate and improve upon their success with other projects.


Our objective was to enhance the organic traffic of CBRE and augment the overall search visibility of their UAE site throughout the region. We placed a particular emphasis on key service lines and industries.


Limited SEO activity was conducted in the past by CBRE. CBRE covers a large number of client services and industries, resulting in a vast number of target keywords. CBRE operates in a highly competitive industry with numerous authoritative sites, which necessitates competing with them for organic ranking and search visibility. CBRE's site and page structure were not suitable for facilitating potential traffic growth.


Develop a content and blog strategy that includes article titles targeting high-value keywords. Optimize all existing and new page content as part of a Search Engine Ownership strategy. Use backlinking and off-page activity to accelerate article distribution, increase domain and page authority, and boost SEO impact. Improve SEO impact and identify opportunities through monthly analytics, competitor analysis, and reporting. Facilitate organic traffic growth by regularly implementing technical performance and website updates.

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increase in new users from organic traffic over the first 12 months


increase in organic traffic year on year over the first 12 months


increase in average time on page from organic traffic over the first 12 months


increase in page views from organic traffic over the first 12 months


decrease in bounce rate from organic traffic over the first 12 months


keywords ranking in the top 10 on SERPs in the first 12 months
We'd Love to Speak to You

Our Office

HEAD Office

Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Branch Rd, Almasiaf, Riyadh 12465, Saudi Arabia


Tel: ++966 58 194 1599


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